May 4, 2009

Happy b'day little lomoi

Today, our little lomoi has become one more older from 0 year to 1 year old. old enough? hehe..
bonda and walid just wanna tell that we love you so much..! thanks for being with us for the past one year. be a best son and obidient slave to Yang Esa.

to all my loyal lomooi readers,
I'll temporary stop writing in this blog. I've some other commitment to do. InsyaAllah, i'll come back with new and lot of article to be written. till our next 'meeting', i wish thank you for your support.



zahidah seran said...

happy 1st birthday lil lomooi...=)
semoga jadi anak soleh =)

Noraidalin Buang said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ulwan Ukaiil...

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